Sredinom ožujka, točnije 17. i 18., poveća grupa naših učenika trećih razreda sudjelovala je u online projektu Global Days organiziranom od strane naše škole partnera Niels Brock iz Kopenhagena.
Sa spomenutom školom surađujemo dulji niz godina putem online projekata i neposredno razmjenom učenika. Budući je potonja ove godine onemogućena, rado smo se odazvali pozivu sudjelovanja na ovom projektu i pridružili srednjoškolcima iz Italije, Njemačke, Španjolske i Danske, sveukupno više od 250 učenika, u radionicama i raspravama na teme kulturoloških različitosti te održivog razvoja.
Mjesto provođenja projekta bila je platforma Office Teams unutar koje su učenici bili podijeljeni u više razreda, tj. mješovitih grupa unutar istih razreda/Teams kanala. Projekt je započeo u srijedu 17. ožujka zajedničkim predavanjem koje je održala profesorica Louise Tranekjær, Sveučilište Roskilde, nakon kojeg je uslijedilo međusobno upoznavanje sudionika unutar svojih radnih skupina. Četvrtak je bio dan tijekom kojeg su učenici razmjenjivali prikupljene materijale, fotografije i video uratke, na temu održivog razvoja i svoja saznanja prikazali u završnom radu. Najbolji grupni radovi unutar pojedinog razreda nagrađeni su prigodnom majicom.
Osim samog rada na projektu, učenici su imali priliku pobliže predstaviti sebe i svoju školu o čemu možete pročitati u njihovim osvrtima na iskustvo ovog projekta dok djelić atmosfere možete uhvatiti u našoj fotogaleriji.
Boje naše škole ''branili su'': David Bratičić,Petra Kuhar, Ana Mišan, Lucija Mišan, Laura Stjepić (3.a, klasična gimnazija) te Bajrić Leo Emanuel, Elena Davidović, Maja Chiara E. Marovac, Anja Fakin, EmiliIvetac, Arijana Radovan, Medea Šestan i Šešelj Lana (3.b, jezična gimnazija). Koordinatorica projekta je profesorica Katarina Breščić Šegota uz neizostavnu ''tehnološko-epidemiološku'' podršku ravnatelja Maksimiljana Ferlina.
Suradnja na Global Days projektu dio je našeg Welcome Europe projekta razmjene učenika i učeničkih iskustava koji se uskoro nastavlja radom na jednom književnom djelu učenika naših drugih razreda i naše škole partnera Istituto Salesiano Don Bosco iz Verone.

Iskustvo koje sam zadobila u dva dana koje sam provela sa curama iz Danske i jednom curom iz Italije sigurno neću zaboraviti. Osim što sam stekla novo znanje ne samo o njihovim zemljama već i o svojoj, stekla sam i nova prijateljstva te se zabavila dok sam komunicirala sa curama i uspoređivala koliko su naše zemlje različite, ali i slične. Ali u svojim sjećanjima mi neće ostati samo zabavne i pametne cure, već i jedan poseban profesor koji je iznimno pohvalio našu državu te nam na zabavan i zanimljiv način prezentirao naše zemlje te zabavio jednu od grupa koja je sadržavala više od 60 učenika.
Anja Fakin

„Welcome Europe“ projekt je koji je u prvotnom planu trebao biti održan uživo gdje bi učenici iz Hrvatske otišli na razmjenu u Belgiju, Dansku i Italiju. Nažalost, zbog Covida-19 taj je projekt, kao i mnogi drugi, bio onemogućen ali smo zato imali prilike sudjelovati u ''Global Days'' online projektu u organizaciji danske škole partnera.
Puni entuzijazma priključili smo se na Teams poziv raspoređeni u grupe s ostalim učenicima iz Danske, Italije, Španjolske i Njemačke. Nakon upoznavanja učenici iz Danske za nas su pripremili nekoliko pitanja na koja smo mi odgovarali, a razgovor je dalje potekao sam od sebe. Razgovarali smo o svakodnevnom životu, osobnim interesima, razlikama između naših kultura, „partijanju“ u vrijeme korone (gotovo nepostojeće) i o mnogim drugim stvarima koje uključuju razlike i sličnosti naše svakidašnjice.
Drugi smo dan, nas većina „ranojutarnjih ptičica“, započeli zajedničkom šetnjom do pazinskog mosta na kojem nas je profesorica iz engleskog jezika, Katarina Breščić Šegota, počastila sa svježe cijeđenim sokom od naranče, grejpa i limete i jako dobrim, domaćim energetskim pločicama. Naši kolege iz Danske u to su vrijeme imali ''morning run'' ulicama Kopenhagena, potičući zdrave životne navike. Nama su se šetnja i hranjivi prirodan zajutrak učinili boljom idejom. Putem smo fotografirali okoliš i njegove ljepote, ali nažalost i ljudsku neobzirnost koja se očituje u smeću koje je po okolišu razbacano. Te smo fotografije proslijedili učenicima u grupama u kojima nas je posjetio njihov veoma simpatičan profesor. Pomoću tih fotografija i naših kratkih opisa istih napravili smo prezentacije koje smo na kraju prezentirali svim učenicima. Profesori i učenici odabrali su grupu koja je bila najbolja i najefikasnija te je ta grupa kao poklon dobila majice.
Sve u svemu, iako nismo fizički uspjeli otići na razmjenu, uspjeli smo razmijeniti iskustva i saznati nešto novo o svakidašnjici drugih učenika u Europi, koji su prema nama bili veoma ljubazni i dragi tijekom cijelog procesa. U nadi da će se stvari sa koronom smiriti, veselim se razmjeni dogodine.
Petra Kuhar
Last week I had a huge opportunity to be a part of the online student exchange project that sadly couldn’t be held in person because of the pandemic. Even though I was really sad when we received the message that we would not meet all the nice students in person I was really happy to hear that this project will continue in this kind of form, through camera (teams). In this project everyone worked in separate groups and had a task to complete in two days, we had to do a presentation which was really fun and working with other students (from Spain, Denmark, Germany and Italy) made it even more exciting. However, the best part of this project was actually talking with such nice students and getting to know them and even meeting their teachers. From this experience I gained a lot of new friends that I still stay in touch with and I learned a lot of new information about their culture, climate...
Ana Mišan

This was a new and really good experience. I enjoyed working with all students and getting to know a little bit each of them and their culture. It was interesting to see how different each of the countries approach is to global warming. I hope that next year we get to discuss and talk in person. All in all, it was something new and different and I 'm glad that I was part of it.
Anja Samardžić
The “Global days” project was an interesting online project in which we got to work and communicate with students from Denmark, Germany, Spain and Italy. We deepened our knowledge of climate change and learned a lot about sustainability. Seeing my country in comparison with other European countries regarding sustainability made me realise that there was a lot more work to be done here than I had previously anticipated. We also got to share our own experiences and viewpoints on climate change, education system and general states in our countries, but also less serious things like clothes and makeup. A big boon was being able to contact some of the people we would be working with prior to the event via social media, which provided an easier atmosphere and a place to get to know each other on a more personal level. All in all, this was a unique and enriching experience I’m sure we all soon hope to realise in person.
Arijana Radovan

The online student exchange program was an interesting and fun experience. We were introduced to a few students from Denmark and a few from Italy/Spain/Germany. The experience went by smoothly for the most part. There were a few connection and planning problems, but other than that there were no mayor problems. The students from Denmark were fluent in English and had a very good pronunciation and vocabulary, I wish the same could be said for the Italian student.
The tasks were centered around getting to know each other’s cultural differences. On the first day the hosting students had a task to interview all the visiting students. On the second day the hosting students had to make a presentation about the different ways of environment protection in each of the countries.
David Bratičić

I really enjoyed these past few days. It was a really great experience to communicate with foreign people. I think that we really made the most of the situation given the fact that we are in a middle of pandemic. It was a great project and we made a big step in the terms of the “new ways of communication” that all of the people have to get used to.
Elena Davidović
My Danish online student exchange experience was quite pleasant. The host students were open to discuss any topic we put in front of them. They gave us the clearest of instructions which had to be done on our part. Their English accent was clean as well as from the other Spanish student that was in my "class". Also, I have learned to take a new perspective on everyday things in the context of reusable energy and culture in general. Overall, it was great, with notable teaching moments and I hope to do future collaborations with the Danes as it was great, only word of praise for this project.
Filip Ružić

Even in online form, we got to do something new, exciting and interesting and met all those Danish, Spanish, Italian and German students. Despite a couple of hundred miles between us, we were given the opportunity to see, hear and communicate with new people and to interact with other cultures. Pretending like it's all normal, we talked, sang, danced, (did some smoothies), laughed and enjoyed those two days of „exchange“ that are now remembered as different, but amazing experience. Most of foreign students told us that we were lucky to be in school and live in not that affected area. They are being tested multiple times a week, while some of us haven't experienced it yet. They have been home from September and we got to enjoy each other's company every day at school. They have school once a week outside (while freezing at 4 degrees) and we are all together in a building. Such things really show you how lucky you are. I am grateful for being part of this project and I can't wait to rename all those incredible people to friends, maybe one day, offline.
Gaia Fabris
Although the student exchange project couldn't happen due to Covid-19 I am very happy that we were given the opportunity to experience it even if it was online. I will never forget this experience or the faces of these beautiful students that brought joy to each second of our online project. Even though we were all in separate groups, I still met a lot of students from different countries such as Denmark, German, Italy and Spain. We learned a lot about each other’s cultures and we talked about our typical day in life but we also shared a lot of smiles and laughs through all these two days. We discussed the pandemic situation too and we came to the conclusion that we Croatian students were very lucky to still be in school since the Danish students had been at home since September. I am very happy to be part of this project and I hope that we will get a chance to share the same laughs and new stories offline.
Lucija Mišan
I really enjoyed my foreign student exchange even if it was online, I got to meet very nice people and make new friends. The subject of the exchange was also very interesting, we all got to see how different countries deal with the many ecological problems around Europe. We learned about sustainability around Europe and the different cultures. We got to express our creativity and learn a bit more about teamwork through our presentations. The whole project was very well organized, we had only a few small technical issues that come with the whole online experience, but the rest was all smooth sailing. Getting to know the girls from my group was a real pleasure, they were open-minded, curious and included everyone and made us all feel very welcome. All in all, this experience was enriching, and I would love to do it again, preferably in person.
Maja Chiara E. Marovac
I can say that it was an interesting and fun experience that I will remember. It was interesting meeting students from different places and cultures. At first, it was a bit strange to talk to people you see for the first time, but as time went on we managed to talk as well. They were a bit unorganized, but we managed to get tasks done. I hope that next year I will be able to go there or just have another online student exchange.
Medea Šestan